The highest quality event leads

More than 25% of Bizly requests convert to revenue. Improve your efficiency and margins.

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Trusted by the world’s leading companies

Bizly handles the corporate processes, so you can focus on great hospitality

Bizly manages corporate contracts, payments, and more

Create dazzling venue pages

Improve your listing beyond the GDS by providing us with your best images, videos, and more

Empower rapid responses

Faster responses get more business. Sign up for Bizly and load in the right contacts to maximize your market share.

Create packages that win

Use Bizly to offer simplified pre-set event packages that address key use cases for customers

Generate new MSAs

Use Bizly to build new relationships with the world’s leading companies and generate new master service agreements

Bizly Reporting

Bizly’s reporting and analytics system provides you with the intelligence to stay on top of your workplace and build the future